Monday, November 24, 2008


I would just like to vent my frustration.
The feeding clinic gave us a run-down on things we should be doing when we feed Presley. I already give her praise when she takes a "bite" (and by "bite" I mean actually taking a spoon full of liquid baby food), I try to do mouthing exercises (trying to get her to mimic chewing...I use a yo gabba gabba song that goes 'bite bite bite, chomp chomp chomp). BUT these "tools" they gave us suck. I'm sure they work and I’m sure eventually she'll get use to them but I just want to share them with you.

First up we have the "probe"
Ark's probe

Its use to stimulate the tongue. It blows. Not only does it have a suggestive name, it’s tiny and easy to shove down your kid’s throat. Especially when she’s jerking her head all around to get the weird thing out of her mouth. They say "gently tap it on her tongue three times" RIGHT. She’s screaming, biting on it, shaking her head back and fourth.

Next we have the "grabber"
arks grabber

I've got Presley to bite on this one time. We use the long end, to place on the side of her mouth and get her chomp down for three seconds. It’s pretty much the same as the "probe" she’s screaming, shaking her head back and fourth and shakes at the SIGHT of It.

And finally we have the "Tri-chew"

This one I like, it has small knobby ends that are easy to get into the side of her mouth. However, the feeding clinic was out of them (to give us anyway) so I had to order ours, which is still not here.

So those are some feeding "tools" they all look so weird. If I didn’t have a child with these issues I’d think they we're sex toys or something.

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